Heaven is in Abergavenny!
We drove down to the lovely Forest of Dean/Wales border over Easter. Blessed with beautiful landscapes and charming towns we ventured into Abergavenny where my daughter suddenly yelped ‘art shop’, a dangerous cry as I am then blind to all but the art shop which seduced me across the main road dodging vehicles.
Now, as art shops go, this by far is the best I’ve ever encountered. Every aspect of it tempts. The displays of professional quality art materials wickedly entice you to want and want when you already have. Transfixed by the deliciousness of the interior my eyes wander to a set of slanting sinuous chocolate coloured stairs which transport you into marvellous gallery rooms, richly coloured washed walls hung with wonderful art and quirky sculpture.
We were in a hurry, to reach the summit of the Sugarloaf & a visit to the Sugarloaf vineyard, but I’ll be back.
And did I leave empty handed? Of course not!
After we returned home to the Midshires (or with all the recent rain ... the Mudshires) I was so inspired by the art shop my next painting tried to capture the divinely rich colours into a landscape. Such a satisfying piece to work on.