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Kerry on top of her favourite hill - Caer Caradoc

About the artist - Kerry Jane Colebrook

Hill, dale, mountain, moor, woodland, beach, I love it all. Landscapes scribbled with footpaths and tracks invite me to explore, and more, they inspire me to paint.


I believe I was born with a desire to explore, walking at 10 months old, I was off, no stopping me, except for my parents. The older I got the further I went. Landscapes inspired my vivid imagination to run far and eventually I began painting them. Alongside this my love of maps developed, endless discovery heaven! As maps were replaced by newer editions I didn't like parting with them (barmy I know), so I began using them in art projects....


So to art. What can I say that neatly sums up this passion? It would be a very long sentence, so I'll simply say it runs in my veins along with my love for walking.


I have always doodled, painted, sketched and love having a vast collection of art materials to play with. However the greatest tool I use is my imagination, together with the wonderful world around me. These work together to help conjure up images that need bringing to life as paintings. I intended to work in some kind of 'arty' career but life took me on an alternative adventure and it wasn't until I lost my mother shortly after having my first daughter that I decided to get back into art and attempted to master watercolours. My art gradually developed, more so since working as an art technician in a secondary school. The students are a huge inspiration, not that they know it.


The day after I turned 50 Dad died and if anything makes you realise that you have to grab life and run with it, it's losing the generation above you. So with that in mind I try to dedicate time for art between working, walking (essential for peace of mind) and caring for my girls.


I like to experiment with media and style - anything goes, collage included and hopefully it emerges as a painting that brings a smile.


I adore painting landscapes, characters and portraits, developing these from my imagination. Some of my characters keep re-appearing, such as foxes and chickens, and hares, all of them running riot in my mind. Hare subsequently leapt into my working name 'Curiuos Hare Art' because, like me, it was curious to know what lies beyond the next horizon.




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